When it comes to trading, two markets are always in the lime light and these would be Forex and Stocks trading. People who are not really that knowledgeable with these trades usually mistakenly think that they’re the same thing. However, this is not the case at all. So, here are the vital things that you need to know about the differences and similarities of Stocks and Forex trading.
The Binding Factor
If there would be something common with Forex and Stocks trading, then that would be risks. As a trader, you should keep in mind that both of them involve risks. To start off, Forex trading isn’t done on a regulated exchange. Hence, as a result, you would still have to deal with the fact that it has additional risks associated to the deals. In the case of stocks, which is traditionally seen as an investment, latest instability and volatility has led this kind of trading to playing a much speculative role.
A lot of stock traders are also venturing another speculative market that has many differences, which is Forex. As an alternative for trading the stocks of different companies, some traders are now changing to trading currencies within the primary market of the world.
Greater Leverage
In contrast to traditional stocks trading, Forex provides you with greater leverage. This allows traders like you to grasp control over larger positions, even if you have the smaller amount of capital. Additionally, this would also give you the opportunity to trade the same position size you may get from a stock broker, but at the same time leaving you with even more available capital, which you could use to trade in more markets. However, you should take note that without the right usage of risk management, going for a higher leverage degree could still lead to bigger losses than gains.
No More Bridges
If you’ll be a currency trader, you would do your business online. By doing this, you would not have extra parties between you and the seller or buyer of your currency pair. Obviously, this middleman elimination could save you a lot of time and of course, fees to deal with. However, the stock market would be pretty different with this kind of method. In stocks, you might deal with brokers and exchanges, both who would charge commissions and fees. This simply means that currency traders would have quicker access along with cheaper costs in their business.
The Market Is Not Controlled
How often have you heard news reports saying that “Mega Business A” was buying “X” or selling “Z,” with an explanation the effect of this phenomena to the whole stock market? As this kind of situation shows, the stock market is quite susceptible to big buys and sells. However, on the contrary, Forex is considered to be the largest and most liquid market. Hence, this makes the probability of any one company, fund or bank to domineer a certain currency tremendously slim. The intense liquidity of currency trading could be seen on the vast number of its large participants coming from around the world, such as, banks, futures commission merchants, hedge funds, and governments.
There’s an estimate of 4,500 stocks that are listed under the New York Stock exchange. There is also another 3,500 under the NASDAQ. So, the question is, which trend are you going to follow? Would you have all the time to research all these companies? On the contrary, spot currency trading, would only entail you to know four major currency pairs, which would be: EUR/USD, USD/JPY GBP/USD, and USD/CHF. If you please, you could branch out with the less major currencies. However, most traders would rather concentrate on these, decide whether they’re buying or selling and then have their day free to spend with their families.
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